The Marin Resource Conservation District offers a variety of programs to facilitate implementation of environmental projects in Marin County. Our projects are based on community planning documents such as the Tomales Bay Watershed Enhancement Plan and the Marin County Climate Action Plan.
The Marin Resource Conservation District was established on May 20, 1959. Approximately 250,000 acres are included in the district, which in general covers the watersheds of Stemple, Walker and Lagunitas creeks. Since 1983, the Marin RCD has administered over $25 million dollars in government and private foundation grants that provide watershed-wide ecosystem benefits such as increasing biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering carbon and creating wildlife habitat. In 2014, Marin RCD’s services expanded into east Marin to assist streamside residents with watershed stewardship and restoration.
The Marin RCD continues to bring together state, federal and local agencies with private landowners to bring environmental benefits to working landscapes.

Current area of Marin County that the Marin RCD serves
Email: marinrcd@marinrcd.org
Telephone: (415) 663-1170
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1146, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Office Address: 80 Fourth St., Suite 202, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956