Project Status

In September 2022, Marin RCD approved a motion to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Spatial Informatic Group (SIG) to complete the study.

Status of the study chapters as of Feb. 1,2024

Chapter                                                                       Status

Chapter 1: Biomass Feedstock Evaluation                draft under revision

Chapter 2: Utilization Pathways Assessment          draft under revision

Chapter 3: Greenhouse Gas Analysis                         draft under review

Chapter 4: Economic Analysis                                     in development

Chapter 5: Findings and Recommendations           in development


The Collabortive has met and provided in depth feedback on Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Revisions to Chapters 1 and 2 are based on the feedback as well as that of the Steering Committee. Feedback on Chapter 3 is in process.

For more information about the Marin Biomass Project, contact Project Manager Chad White.